金融系 副教授
张申博士曾在国际期刊《The Econometrics Journal》、《Journal of Forecasting》及《Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics》发表数篇学术文章。
[1] Heejoon Han, Shen Zhang, Non-stationary Volatility Model[J].The Econometrics Journal,2012,15:204-225.
[2] Shen Zhang, Heejoon Han, Semiparametric ARCH-X Model for leverage Effect and Long Memory in Stock Return Volatility[J]. Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics. 2014. 25(3):81-100.
[3] Heejoon Han, Myung D. Park, Shen Zhang. A Multiplicative Error Model with Heterogeneous Components for Forecasting Realized Volatility [J]. Journal of Forecasting. 2015. 34(3):209-219.
[4] Shen Zhang, Jing Wan, Do China's Shadow Banking Interest Rates Capture Its Monetary Policy Stance? [J]. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2017, 53(12):2686-2695.
[5] Jing Wan, Shen Zhang, Xu Feng, How does the stock market affect the interest rate corridor system in China?[J]. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2022, published online, https://doi.org/10.1002/ijfe.2761
主持自然科学基金青年项目:基于时间序列间分位相依性(quantile dependence)的风险值(Value-at-Risk)预测模型研究,已结题