题目:“能源、环境与发展”系列讲座第一期 Aligning emissions trading and feed-in tariffs in China
主讲人:王鑫 博士
主持:张中祥 天津大学开云官方注册-开云kaiyun(中国)教授
Xin Wang is the focal point for IDDRI’s partnership and networking with China. He obtained in December 2015 the “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" (HDR) in Economics, which is the highest French national title after Ph.D to allow to supervise officially Ph.D thesis in French universities and research centers. Xin received the Best Ph.D Thesis Award for Abroad Chinese Students from the Central Chinese Government in 2012 for his thesis “An economic and political assessment of carbon pricing in China” conducted during 2008-2011. He is member of the Sino-French Experts Dialogue on Climate Change, a regular dialogue held by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Government.