
第84期 相约北洋—下午茶沙龙 邀请函




Service is more important than product and linking it to the Hospitality Industry

【演讲嘉宾】天津丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理Mr. Hugo Montanari




We strongly believe that service is what creates loyalty. If you have loyalty you have repeat business! You can have the best product in the world, however if you do not deliver the right service to match your product, it will not sell successfully. In order to deliver the right service you need to have a strong team, who believes in providing service that is tailored to the guest needs. At the Ritz-Carlton, we focus on this on a daily basis and through our Gold Standards.


13:30-14:00 签到

14:00-14:10 开场致辞

14:10-15:10 主题演讲

15:10-15:40 Q&A

15:40-16:00 交流






【演讲嘉宾】张靖钦 博士


