
“经济学系列讲座”第十八期 全方位贸易开放与中国制造业企业就业








余淼杰,北京大学国家发展研究院副院长、经济学教授、教育部长江学者、国家杰青基金获得者、国际中国研究联盟秘书长、黄廷芳/信和青年杰出学者、美国戴维斯加州大学经济学博士、全球经济管理类前1%高引论文经济学家、北大全球开放经济研究中心主任。被联合国、亚洲发展银行、财政部、商务部、国务院参事室和多个地方政府聘为专家顾问。曾被专门邀请到联合国总部做中国经济发展报告。主要研究领域为国际贸易和中国经济发展,曾在Economic Journal、Review of Economics & Statistics、 Journal of Development Economics、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学季刊》等国内外顶级和一流期刊上发表论文近90篇,出版经济学专著、教材、时评随笔六部。发表论文曾被英国皇家经济学会评为年度最佳论文,并获英国皇家经济学会奖,是首位独立获得该奖的华人经济学家。曾获全国发展经济学研究最高奖—张培刚发展经济学奖、第14届北京市哲学社科优秀成果奖,并四次获得全国国际贸易研究最高奖—安子介国际贸易研究奖。著作《加工贸易与企业生产率》获刘诗白经济学奖、胡绳青年学术研究奖、全国贸易发展研究奖。同时教学深得学生好评,曾获北京大学教学优秀奖、北京大学曹凤岐金融教学优秀奖。时评《“贸”似如此》曾被评为亚马逊中国外贸最畅销书。


Chinese firms faced an all-around trade liberalization process during the early 2000s: lower trade barriers from other countries on Chinese final goods, and lower Chinese barriers on other countries' final goods and inputs. Using novel firm-level tariff data for trading Chinese manufacturing firms from 2000 to 2006, this paper disentangles the effects of each type of trade liberalization on Chinese firm-level employment. The exercise distinguishes firms by type (pure processing firm, ordinary non-importer, or ordinary importer) and productivity. For all types of firms, the results show that trade liberalization in final goods--from a reduction in either Chinese tariffs or China's partners tariffs--is associated with job destruction in low-productivity firms and job creation in high-productivity firms. The same happens after Chinese input trade liberalization, but only for ordinary importing-exporting firms. To guide the interpretation of the results, the paper presents a heterogeneous-firm model with trade in both tasks and final goods, which identifies the different forces through which each type of trade liberalization affects employment in each type of firm.