
讲座预告|Kannan Govindan:How to select an interesting research topic and use the advanced method in the operation management on sustainability?


主题:How to select an interesting research topic and use the advanced method in the operation management on sustainability?

主讲人:Kannan Govindan


地点:25教学楼A区三层Class A

主讲人介绍:Kannan Govindan是南丹麦大学的教授,他在供应链管理、可持续运作等领域发表了超过150篇国际论文,20篇国际会议论文。现任International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling、International Journal of Advanced Operations Management国际期刊主编

讲座内容:Prof. Kanan will make a presentation on how to select an interesting research topic and use the advanced method in the operation management on sustainability.