






案例名称:The Pipeline Company: Financing for MNGPP



(In 2008, the Multinational Natural Gas Pipeline Project was sponsored by China National Group Corporation to undertake a major international infrastructure project in Asia. The Pipeline Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of China National Group Corporation, established joint ventures with the host countries and took the lead in financing the project, which was required to be completed by the end of 2009. Initial investments and procurements were made, and payment would soon be due. However, there was alarge gap between the estimated total investment and the funds available. Numerous banks expressed interest in the pipeline project, but most required the sponsor to provide a guarantee for the project’s loan. Some banks also asked for an increase in the capital ratio from less than 1 per cent to 20 percent. The treasurer responsible for the financing of the project was now tasked with the issue of arranging the most effective way to finance the project.)

案例名称:Mental and Natural: Building a Cloud-Based ollaboration Platform in China

撰写人:李晓梅、Lawrence A. Plummer(加拿大毅伟商学院)

案例简介:案例讲述了中国灵智公司,专注于数字多媒体设计,为更好的利用中国最优秀的多媒体人才和专业知识且不增加公司的人力成本,构建基于云的多媒体众包和协作平台,使公司能够快速、轻松地为中国各地所需的自由职业人才提供资源,将急需的工作快速轻松地向中国各地的自由人才众包,提供必要的培训,协调复杂项目的工作,并提供有效且具有保障的的付款活动。然而,即使在平台完全运行之前,新的增长机会也为公司提供了三个可能的选择。 企业家及其团队只有三个星期,决定哪个选择最适合公司现有的业务模式,充分利用其资源,是确保公司未来的最佳选择。本案例主要适用于本科生、研究生及短期培训中有关创业管理、创新管理及战略管理三门课程。

(In late 2016, the founder of lingzhi company, a digital multimedia company, wanted to have ready access to China’s best multimedia talent and expertise, but without burdening the company with an excessive number of employees. The entrepreneur and his team were developing a cloud-based multimedia crowdsourcing and collaboration platform, which would allow the company to quickly and easily crowdsource the needed freelance talent from around China. Yet, even before the platform was fully up and running, a new growth opportunity presented three possible options for the company to pursue. The entrepreneur and his team had just three weeks to decide on which option best fit the company’s existing business model, made best use of its resources, and was the best choice to secure the company’s future.)